Support Washington High School Basketball
The Washington Interscholastic Basketball Coaches Association is always looking for new members to help improve the sport of basketball in the state of Washington. Being a part of the WIBCA allows you to share with other coaches the experiences and ideas that we all encounter in the coaching profession. In addition, you will be able to highlight your key players for WIBCA all-star game consideration and post-season awards.WIBCA creates a network that allows you to stay in communication with other coaches during the year and keeps you up on all the latest information. Join WIBCA today by filling out the application form at the Washington State Coaches Association and see the benefits you receive. When you sign up, check the box entitled boys’ basketball so that a portion of your dues can be directed to your sport.
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Latest Episode
Sitting down with coaches past and present in our association (WIBCA) and interviewing them about their journeys, programs, and ways they navigate being a high school coach in todays game, we will also connect with some retired coaches and hall of fame members.
The guys sat down and made it a family affair with Coach Larry Doty and his son Dom Doty, talked about their college coaching, WAVOR as well as their commitment to the youth and building up the kids.
Go visit for more information and events being held.
Interested in joining the association visit
Shoot-A-Way visit to check out the latest Gun 12k
Ballogy HQ visit
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